Saturday, July 26, 2008


Stokes shot and killed James Fiske over the affections of actress Josie Mansfield on Jan. 6, 1872.
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James Fisk, Jr.

Flamboyant U.S. financier, known as the "king" of Wall Street, shot and killed by his former partner over the affections of actress Josie Mansfield , on January 6, 1872.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Josephine (Josie) Mansfield - Fisk / Stokes Murder

This was the actress involved in the famous 1872 shooting of James Fisk, Jr., "king" of Wall Street, by Edward S. Stokes, his former partner, and the "handsomest man in town."

Fisk accused Stokes of embezzlement. Stokes sued Fisk for libel. The publication of Fisk's love letters to Josie Mansfield was threatened. The shooting immediately followed a court decision granting Fisk an injunction restraining the publication of the letters.

Photographs of the day leave little to indicate her reputed beauty and the charm she was supposed to exersice over men.

Thanks to Boss Tweed's influence and New York politics, Stokes, received a four year sentence after three trials. Fisk died the morning after the shooting.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Adelaide Neilson

Miss Neilson as Juliet, approximately 1872.

Adelaide Neilson
This photograph is Miss Neilson as Juliet, approximately 1872.

Adelaide Neilson
Photograph dates from about 1875. Miss Neilson was the most famous British Shakespearean actress from approximately 1865 until her death in 1880.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008, First post

Today is the first day of my blog, and I am hoping to have a lot to contribute in future days. If anyone has an an interest in Victorian actresses or 3D photography please contact me.